Thursday, 5 September 2019


In the present world there are such huge numbers of individuals having individual encounters and have confidence in astrology, yet they can’t legitimize because of absence of information
There are such huge numbers of standards in astrology like science and there are exemptions as well, which now and again are neglected by accomplished astrologers and the predictions turn out badly. Applying visionary principles resemble completing a science test and on the off chance that one changes any fixing or its fixation, the outcome will go haywire. This is a deep rooted discussion which is as yet going on and appears to take somewhat longer to arrive at a widespread resolution
There are various types of astrology forms around the globe. Every one of them is pointed towards discovering the manner in which the divine bodies carry on and how they influence individuals and the normal world around them.
Astrology might be viewed as a mystical science, as it manages points that are past the physical domain.  All astrological theories lead to the same basics. They state that astrology depends on the reason of divine developments throughout the entire existence of time.
There are different forms of astrology in this world. Some of them are Western astrology, Indian Vedic astrology, Krishnamurthi Paddhati astrology also called KP astrology .In this article I will discuss about the THEORY OF CUSPAL INTERLINK. FEW astrologers believe it as an extended form of KP astrology. It is said that KP framework depends on the better subtleties of both Indian and Western astrology and entireties up to make a progressively exact arrangement of making prediction forecasts. It is said to be more orderly and refined than the customary Vedic type of astrology. This framework offers significance to the ‘nakshatra – swami’ (star – ruler) as opposed to the planet in a specific ‘dasha’ for understanding of results. There is a distinction of 6 minutes between the Vedic ‘ayanamshas’ and the KP ‘ayanamshas’. This is on the grounds that the Vedic framework pursues the Lahiri ayanamshas and KP framework pursues KP ayanamshas the two of which have a longitudinal contrast of 6 minutes. An ‘ayanamsha’ is the longitudinal distinction between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac.
In KP astrology nakshakatra is divided into 9 sections which is known as sub lord yet in Cuspal Interlink theory the sub lord is additionally divided by 9 divisions known as sub sub lord. The association or between relationship of Cuspal sub-sub rulers with different Cusps/Bhava is named as Cuspal Interlinks. In Cuspal Interlinks Theory Mr. S.P. Khullar SIR has extraordinarily portrayed about the collaboration and between relationships of Cuspal sub-sub lords. Each sub-sub lords sets up connection with different cusps and houses(Bhavas) in a positive manner. A Cuspal sub-sub lord builds up association with other cusp based on its Stellar Status and Positional Status. Nature of such settled connection of Cuspal sub-sub lord and cusp is additionally determined and changed by the sub lord of the Cuspal sub-sub lord. That Cuspal sub-sub lord is seriously related with that cusp or not; it is uncovered the sub-sub lord of the Cuspal sub-sub lord.
A planet relates with others cusp or progresses toward becoming significator of that cusp(s) where the ruler of star of a planet show up in the Cuspal position. It is named as the planet included the cusp through its star lord. In like manner, any place sub lord of the planet shows up in Cuspal position, it comprehended that the planet focused on the cusp through sub lord. In the event that this submitted cusp is in good position as for included cusp then we state that the planet is productive significator of the included cusp. The Sub Sub Lord of Sub Sub Lord Planet will declare the result of the involvement and commitment of the planet.  That is, Sub Sub Lord of Cuspal Sub Sub Lord is a planet that gives trace of productivity of the signification ship of the planet for included cusp(s). Obviously, a planet progresses toward becoming significator and gives result of just those cusp(s)/Bhava where star lord of the planet shows up. It ends up productive significator of those cusps if the planet is positively committed. This is the best tool to know the promises and potential of life events in native chart.
Guidelines of Cuspal Interlinks Theory
(1) A native enjoys implications of those houses just to which Ascendant Sub Lord look after connection.
(2) A planet gives positive aftereffect of cusp(s) included through star lord if that planet is submitted through sub ruler to ideal or supporting cusp(s)/Bhava w.r.t included cusp and endowed through Sub Lord to great or supporting cusp(s) w.r.t included cusp/Bhava.
(3) Star Lord Proposes, Sub Lord Disposes.
(4) Star Lord shows involvement and Sub Lord Commitment.
(5) Sub-Sub Lord demonstrates the final result.
(6) From included cusp, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth Cusp/House is negative, second, sixth and tenth Cusp/House is impartial and first, third, fifth, ninth and eleventh Cusp/House is positive.
(7) Transit understanding is appeared by the method for association and excitation of important cusps in the natal chart.
(8) Apply Principles of Vimshottari Dasha System for timing the events.
I am using this theory from most recent couple of years and meet many energetic student of astrology who took in this theory and left utilizing it after now and then with this reason they are not getting productive results. This inquiry likewise comes in my mind when I begin using it basically yet I never give up and continue doing my exertion and attempt to figure out how to get great outcomes. Today here I like to share why astrologer comes up short and quit from this wonderful theory.
I find with my experience that birth time correctness is important. In the event that birth time isn’t right, we won’t get results. The software used by many astrologer for Cuspal Interlink theory is True astrology 4.6 which does not give better results because birth time rectification is not every time possible in  4.6 as it works up to sub sub level .   To get better results my advice to use 5.6 True Astrology software which works up to sub sub sub sub level.
The second reason I found is lack of information about the ruling of Cuspal Interlink theory. The reason behind this is lack of guidance by the teachers who are teaching this theory it in present time. They only teach basic which is not sufficient because with the help of basic no one can rectify the birth time and without rectification of natal chart Cuspal will not gives us results. Working on birth time rectification on 5.6 true astrology software is huge task and off course time consuming. I am working on 5.6 software and done more than 500 birth time rectification and get maximum result. HERE I LIKE TO SHARE THAT PLEASE FOLLOW THE VEDIC ASTROLOGY TOOLS FOR BIRTH TIME RECTIFICATION BEFORE USING CUSPAL INTERLINK THEORY FOR BTR. The matching of events and day progression is very important part in birth time rectification after following the basic ruling.
There is much software claiming the automatic feature for BTR which is worth less.  I believe no software can rectify the birth time unless until you don’t have the knowledge to rectify it by applying the ruling. The half cooked knowledge is always dangerous so please get educate knowledge which definitely comes with the time and experience.

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