Thursday, 5 September 2019

Share Market Astrology

The financial exchange alludes to the accumulation of business sectors and trades where ordinary exercises of purchasing, selling, and issuance of portions of freely held organizations occur. Such budgetary exercises are led through systematized formal trades or over-the-counter (OTC) commercial centers which work under a characterized set of guidelines. There can be numerous stocks exchanging settings a nation or an area which permit exchanges in stocks and different types of protections.
While the two terms – financial exchange and stock trade – are utilized reciprocally, the last term is commonly a subset of the previous. In the event that one says that she exchanges the securities exchange, it implies that she purchases and sells shares/values on (at least one) of the stock exchange(s) that are a piece of the general financial exchange. Despite the fact that it is known as a securities exchange or value advertise and is essentially known for exchanging stocks/values, other money related protections – like trade exchanged assets (ETF), corporate securities and subsidiaries dependent on stocks, products, monetary forms, and securities – are likewise exchanged the financial exchanges.
Astrology is one of the tools to investigate the market circumstance. Vedic astrology encourages us to comprehend financial specialist’s brain research better, and to touch base in a decision about market patterns. This is on the grounds that planets Moon and Mercury have a task to carry out in the brain science of people.
According to Vedic astrology, Mercury controls the enthusiastic, just as the sensory system of people, and Moon controls the psyche. It demonstrates these planets and their traveling position have stamped impacts in the securities exchange patterns. So when you ask ‘What are the visionary elements which trigger mass mental responses? All things considered, at whatever point Mercury gets into relapse mode there is an impact on mass brain science
Astrology combination for monetary profit in share market notwithstanding combination clarified in this article in regards to pattern of costs of items and offers; here we see exceptionally significant mysterious combination for monetary benefit in share market.
Astrological factors applied for share market.
  It involves all twelve sign.
 It involves all twelve signs including Pluto, Neptune and Uranus.
 It involves all 27 Nakshatras (constellations)
 Main significator of speculation – mercury.
 Main house of speculation – 5th house.
 Main significator of financial transactions – mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
  Moon is planet responsible for investment
 Main constellations ( Nakshatra) for speculation – Ashlesha.
 Main bullish signs for speculation are:  Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and pieces.
 Main bearish signs for speculation are:  Gemini, cancer, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and pieces
 Main bullish planets are:  Sun, Mars, Venus, Sa, Ra, Uranus & Pluto.
 Main bearish planets are:  moon, mercury, Ke, Jupiter & Neptune.
 Aspects influencing share market:
  Planets conjuncting in any one sign.
 Planet influenced by opposite aspect.
Semi Square aspect between Sun & Venus.  Saturn’s 3rd & 10th aspect.
  Mars’ 4th & 8th aspect.  Jupiter’s 5th & 9th aspect.
 Speed of all planets:  moon, mercury, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ra , Ke , Uranus , Neptune and Pluto
 Combust planets and retrograde planets.
  Retrograde mercury indicates lot of fluctuations in share market. How to handle transactions in stock exchange
 Prepare charts for all the working hours of stock exchange considering longitude and latitude of stock exchange
 Fix duration of each ascendant.(as ascendant changes after 2  hours) Place all 12 planets in all charts.
 Find out desired combination for sale or purchase of shares prescribed in Astrology.
  Astrological combinations in natal chart, indicating financial gain from share market
1. Moon and mercury in 11th house either in cancer or Virgo sign.
2. Moon, mercury & 5th Lord in 11th house aspected by 11th Lord or joined by 11th Lord.
3. Moon in 5th house in cancer or Scorpio sign aspected by Venus or Jupiter or both.
4. Moon in Aries, Scorpio, cancer or Capricorn ascendant in natal Chart of native.
5. Moon, mercury, Jupiter and Venus in 5th house in Scorpio, cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn sign.
6. Moon in Leo ascendant and Saturn in 7th house. In addition Sun & Mars should occupy 11th house in natal Chart.
 7. Moon in Capricorn ascendant, Jupiter in cancer sign in 7th house and Saturn in 2nd house.
8. Moon & Mars in 5th house. In addition mercury and Venus should be in Aquarius sign in 8th house.
9. Moon & Jupiter in cancer or Scorpio sign in ascendant. In addition Sa & Ma should occupy Libra or Capricorn sign.
10. Moon and Sun in cancer or Leo sign in ascendant or 5th house. Moon should not be combust.
11. Moon and Uranus in Scorpio sign in ascendant or 5th house. Moon should be behind Uranus.
 12. Moon and Jupiter in Scorpio or cancer sign in 11th house in the natal Chart.
 13. Mars in 10th house in Capricorn and Jupiter in 9th house in Sagittarius sign.
14. Mars in 11th house in Aries or Scorpio sign and is aspected by Jupiter.
15. Mars and Ke in 11th house in Aries or Scorpio sign in natal Chart.
16. Mars and Jupiter in 2nd house in Sagittarius or pieces sign.
 17. Mercury in 2nd or 10th house in Gemini or Virgo sign.
 18. Mercury and Venus in 2nd house in Virgo or Libra or Scorpio or Gemini sign.
 19. Mercury in 11th house in Gemini or Virgo sign along with 5th Lord, who should be friendly planets.
20. Mercury & Jupiter in 2nd house in own or exaltation sign.
 21. Jupiter in ascendant, 4th, 5th & 9th house in Aries, cancer, Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius sign.
  22. Jupiter in 4th house in cancer sign and Sa in 7th house in Libra sign and Venus in 8th house in   Scorpio.
 23. Jupiter and Saturn well placed & related to 5th Lord and 11th Lord.
24. Jupiter in 4th house in cancer sign and 8th Lord (Mars) in 8th house.
25. Venus and Saturn in ascendant in Libra ascendant.
 26. Venus in 9th or 11th house in Scorpio or pieces sign.
27. Venus in 5th house in own sign (Taurus or Libra) with Ra.
28. Saturn in 4th, 7th, 10th or 11th house in Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius sign.
 29. Saturn and Ra in 11th house in Libra sign.
 30. Sun and Uranus in Aries sign in ascendant, 5th or 11th house.
 31. Sun in Aries sign in 3rd, 10th or 11th house.
 32. Ra, 5th Lord and 9th Lord or 11th Lord – all in 5th house or in 11th house.
33. 5th Lord & 11th Lord Conjunct in 11th house.
 34. 5th Lord & 9th Lord Conjunct in 11th house.
Norms for bullish market (Teji)
1.  Mercury is behind Sa, Jupiter, Ma or Venus in same Nakshatra. Bullish (Teji) will continue till mercury is behind these planets. As soon as mercury crosses longitude of planet, ahead of it, Teji factor will gradually slow down. If moon is ahead of mercury Teji factor will not work.
2.  Mercury is behind Pluto, Neptune or Uranus, Ra or Ke preferably in same Nakshatra and is aspected by Sa and Ma by 7th aspect. Sa and Ma should not be retrograde, combust or debilitated.
3.   Mercury is opposite Pluto, Neptune or Uranus. Maximum bullish (Teji) will be possible when Bu is 180° from any of these planets.
4.   Mercury is combust by Sun. bullish market (Teji) factor will continue till mercury is combust.
5.  Mercury is retrograde and is ahead of Sun in same sign. Bullish (Teji) factor will continue till mercury is retrograde.
 6. Mercury & Sa, both are retrograde in same sign.
 7. Mercury in pieces & Jupiter in Gemini or Virgo.
8.  Mercury in Sagittarius & Jupiter in Gemini or Virgo.
9. Mercury in Aquarius & is behind Mars in same Nakshatra.
10.  Jupiter is going to be retrograde or direct. Bullish (Teji) will take place on that date.
11.  Jupiter and Sa, both retrograde or in Aries, Leo, Libra, Scorpio or Capricorn sign. No other planet must influence this combination.
12.  Jupiter is retrograde in 5th house having malefic aspect or conjunction.
 13. Jupiter and Venus are opposite each other in same longitude.
14.  Jupiter is behind Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Ra, Ke or Sa in same constellations ( Nakshatra)  Bullish (Teji) will continue till Jupiter is behind any of these planets.
Norms causing bearish trend (Mandi)
 When a slow moving planet is behind a fast moving planets in same Nakshatra of a sign.
  When a slow moving planet occupies own sign or exaltation sign and fast moving planet occupies any other sign.
1.   Jupiter is behind Sun, Moon, Mars, mercury or Venus in same Nakshatra or Jupiter is ahead of Sa, Ra, Ke, Pluto, Neptune or Uranus.
2.  Ra and Ke are behind Venus (R), Jupiter having fewer degrees than Ra and Ke.
3.  Sa (R) is ahead of Ra or Ke.
4.  Any of 9 planets are ahead of Pluto, Neptune or Uranus.
5.  When two friendly and benefic planets have 5th or 9th aspect and both planets are in same degree, i.e. Sun in Aries 10° and Moon in Leo 10°.
6.  Bearish trend starts as soon as moon enters Leo sign and continues till it achieves longitude of Sun 10°. In this case fast moving planet should always be ahead of slow moving planet.
7.  When two friendly planets have 3rd or 11th aspect and both planets are in same degree. Rest as above.
 8. Jupiter retrograde or Sa retrograde in 5th house or Neptune (R) in second house.
Few important points can be checked in natal chart of native to find the best time for speculation
1. The best running main period or sub period relating to 5th house or 11 houses
2. Check point in Binna Astakavarga (BAV) of moon having maximum point in sign. The native can use transit of moon in that particular sign.  For example 6 point in Virgo in moon BAV than native can invest in share market when moon transiting Virgo sign
3.  In stellar astrology check sub or sub sub lord of 1st and 5th house. If sub or sub sub 1st and 5th house is linked 2,6,10,11 is good for share market if its connected with4, 5,8,or 12 than its not advisable to invest in share market
4. When to invest and play in share market can analyze through the running time of an individual. Pick all the planet which involves 5th house and commit to 2,6,10,11 house. When these planets becomes moon co ruling planet on particular day will give benefit from speculation and in share

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